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Brain Chemistry Research


An innovative research team identifying the natural behaviours required to enhance our brain chemistry.

What is DOSE?

An acronym for the four key brain chemicals that have evolved over the last 300,000 years, enabling us to survive and thrive.


Motivation & Attention


Connection & Confidence


Energy levels & Mood


Stress tolerance & Fitness

Research Team

dose lab team tj power

Tj Power

Lead Neuroscientist
BSc & MSc

dose lab team owain james

Owain James

Data Analyst
PhD Neuropharmacology

dose lab team owen jones

Owen Jones

Scientific Advisor

PhD Neuroscience

dose lab team karam sihra

Karam Sihra

Technological Lead

dose lab team nina coetzer

Nina Coetzer

Research Assistant
BSc & MSc (in progress)

dose lab team jen horner

Jen Horner

Research Coordinator

Our findings
so far

With over 50,000 people trained in DOSE. Our phase 1 findings using a pre and post Likert scale measurement tool has revealed four key impacts.


Improvement in deep focus
0 %


Improvement in self-belief
0 %


Improvement in daily energy levels
0 %


Improvement in stress tolerance
0 %

Our Goals


Investigate the true function of the DOSE chemicals.


Investigate the actions required to naturally raise the DOSE chemicals.


Research and reveal the scientific efficacy of DOSE: Level Up.

Our Method

Method 1

Psychometric measurement tools

Utilise the most validated and reliable psychometric measurement tools for each DOSE chemical.

method 1
Method 2

DOSE: Level Up individual assessments

Assess the pre and post alterations that occur in our DOSE psychometric testing.


Our 5 phase approach to becoming a hyper-effective brain chemistry research lab.

Phase 1

Likert Scale Measurement

  • DOSE Training Impact

    Assess alterations pre and post DOSE training in key measures including energy levels, focus, motivation, sleep, self-belief, and stress tolerance.

Phase 2

Psychometric Pilot

  • Dopamine

    Assess the alterations in dopamine through two reliable psychometric tests.

  • Motivation

    Behavioural Activation System (BAS) scale.

  • Attention Span

    Adult ADHD Self-Report System (ASRS).

Phase 3

Psychometric Study

  • DOSE Chemicals Alteration

    Assess the alteration in all four DOSE chemicals.

  • Analysis

    Psychometric tools utilised for analysis.

Phase 4

Physiological Pilot

  • Dopamine Alteration

    Assess the alteration in dopamine.

  • Analysis

    Physiological tools utilised for analysis.

Phase 5

Physiological Study

  • DOSE Chemicals Alteration

    Assess the alterations in all for DOSE chemicals.

  • Analysis

    Physiological tools utilised for analysis.

Coming Soon

The DOSE Effect

Find all of the research and references used throughout The DOSE Effect book.

Tj Power Bio

Tj Power

As a neuroscientist Tj is fascinated by investigating and further understanding dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins through the lens of improving our mental and physical health.

Tj started his academic journey completing an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree from the University of Exeter. See Tj’s areas of study below.

Tj further enhanced his academic contributions by lecturing at Exeter University, where he developed a distinctive component of a third-year module focused on the neuroscience of mindfulness alongside publishing a paper in the Journal of Cognition.

Tj has delivered over 450 live neuroscience education events at prestigious establishments that include Oxford University and the NHS.

BSc - University of Exeter

Areas of study (2016-2019)
Combined Bachelor's Degree

MSc - University of Exeter

Areas of study (2019-2020)
Combined Master's Degree

Join Us

Apply to join

The DOSE Lab

If you are completing a BSc, MSc or PhD in psychology or neuroscience and are passionate about joining our research team, please apply below.